Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Man in the Centre

T.H.E Dance Company (Singapore)

Kuik Swee Boon

Video Artist:
Gabriela Tropia
Sound Designer/Composer:
Darren Ng

Lighting Design:
Anna Rouhu

Anna Rouhu
12&13&14 August National Museum of Singapore Gallery Theatre

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

O Sounds

T.H.E Dance Company (Singapore)

Kuik Swee Boon

Video Artist:
Gabriela Tropia

Sound Designer/Composer:
Darren Ng

Lighting Designer:
Anna Rouhu

Witjak Widhi Cahya
(14.05.2010 Salihara)

14&15.05 Komunitas Salihara Cultural Centre, Jakarta, Indonesia
29.05.2010 Victoria Theatre, Singapore Arts Festival 2010, Singapore
06.07.2010 XVII Annual Intl. Contemporary Dance Conf. and Performance Festival, Bytom, Poland

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Old portfolio... gone....

For few years I have had portfolio blog which I updated quite frequently. Well then for several months I was too busy to update and surprise surprise Google had changed Blogger settings and now I can't any more reach my old portfolio. If you are interested in to see my older work (until March 2010): click